FREE WEBINAR for parents of adhd teens

Help Your ADHD Teen Thrive: A 1-hour webinar to set your ADHD tween or teen up for independence

Tuesday, February 11, 2025, 11 am PST


who wants to know exactly how I've helped countless of parents raise independent ADHD teens to be able to...

  • Survive on their own in the real world

  • Get their homework done without constant nagging

  • Become independent and confident in themselves

Hi, I'm Dr. Carrie

Child Psychologist, Parent Coach, former ADHD teen

I help parents strengthen their relationships with their ADHD teens so they can stop feeling overwhelmed, and be the parent they want to be.

As someone who struggled with ADHD as a teenager,

I know how important it is to have a parent who can support you through the challenges of adolescence.

And as a child psychologist, I know that parents of teens with ADHD need skills tailored to their ADHD child.

I help parents strengthen their relationships with their ADHD teens so they can stop feeling overwhelmed, and be the parent they want to be.

As someone who struggled with ADHD as a teenager, I know how important it is to have a parent who can support you through the challenges of adolescence.

And as a child psychologist, I know that parents of teens with ADHD need skills tailored to their ADHD child.

In this 1-hour free webinar, you will learn:

The Key to Stop Nagging

You'll learn exactly what you need to do to stop nagging your ADHD teen, and what to say instead to actually get them to do their responsibilities such as homework and chores.

How To Motivate Your Teen

Instead of lecturing or nagging your teen, you'll learn specific communication strategies for whta you can say and do to support your teen in feeling more motivated.

Steps To Build Independence

Tired of being your teen's personal assistant and having to manage everything they do? You'll learn important steps to take so that your teen can rely on you less, while you're still supporting them.

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